2 min read

Git for Windows


git --version,
git config, git help config,

git config --global user.name "st",
git config --global user.email "st",
git config --global --list, git config --list,

Local wd -> staging -> remote repo;

git init, git status,
git add -A, git add ., git add --no-all,

git rm --cached <file>,
git reset,

git commit -m "msg",
git log, git log --stat,

git remote add origin <link>,
git push -u origin master,

git remote -v, git branch -a,
git remote set-url origin <link>,

Remote repo -> local wd;

git clone <url> <where to clone or .>,
git diff,

git branch funcname,
git checkout funcname,
git push -u origin funcname,

git checkout master,
git pull origin master,
git branch --merged, git merge funcname,
git push origin master,

git branch -d funcname,
git push origin --delete funcname,

Work with changes;

git stash save "msg",
git stash list,
git stash apply <tag>, git stash pop, git stash drop <tag>, git stash clear,
git checkout --. (reset),

Undo mistakes;

git commit --amend -m "msg" (git history changed),
git commit --amend (a part of last commit),

git cherry-pick <tag> (from a banch to another),
git reset --soft <tag>, git reset --hard <tag>,
git clean -df (remove untracked files),

git reflog,
git checkout <tag>,

git revert <tag> (git history unchanged),
git diff <tag> <tag>,

Git Bash;

pwd, pushd, popd,
ls *, ls -lah, ls /usr/bin/,
cd, cd ../.., cd ~, cd /,

mkdir -p projects/project1/start,
touch .gitignore, touch *.txt,
nano file.txt (ctrl+x),
less (q),
cat >> file.txt,
echo "hello" > file.txt, echo "hello" >> file.txt,

mv file.txt file1.txt,
cp file.txt file1.txt,
cp file.txt ~/dir1/file1.txt,
rm, rmdir (empty folder),
rm -R, rm -rf .git,

which python,
find /, find .,
history, ctrl+r, ctrl+a, ctrl+e (end), ctrl+l,

chmod +x sample.sh, chmod 700 sample.sh,
source .bashrc, . .bashrc,

df -h (free memory), id,
set | less, printenv,


For git tutorial, watch Git Tutorial for Beginners 2015.

For download, visit git-scm or gitforwindows.org.