This part covers features selection. Target variable is revenue.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Quickly running the statistical method suggests that four PCA should be selected as their variance is more than one.
PCA model agrees to the above result. PCA1 and PCA2 totally explain 50% of the data.
Importance of components:
Standard deviation 1.7685 1.4583 1.2553 1.0853 0.95570 0.86823 0.71936
Proportion of Variance 0.2843 0.1933 0.1432 0.1071 0.08303 0.06853 0.04704
Cumulative Proportion 0.2843 0.4777 0.6209 0.7280 0.81103 0.87956 0.92661
PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11
Standard deviation 0.63244 0.57264 0.2612 0.10591
Proportion of Variance 0.03636 0.02981 0.0062 0.00102
Cumulative Proportion 0.96297 0.99278 0.9990 1.00000
[1] 3.12764181 2.12662279 1.57575110 1.17797250 0.91335828 0.75382741
[7] 0.51748112 0.39997427 0.32791477 0.06823803 0.01121790
The following shows how predictors are attributable to PCA1 and PCA2. PCA1 is about the cost of goods sold. PCA2 is about training expenses.
purchases_cost_of_goods 0.540354592 0.22688394
wages_sales_inside 0.807509613 0.06553913
payroll_tax_expenses 0.962877059 -0.03686642
wages_office_staff 0.684733855 -0.11459216
wages_warehouse 0.800707693 -0.09377890
conferences_and_seminars 0.038125516 0.92636630
supplies 0.184608552 0.44801326
dues_and_subscriptions -0.002415228 0.93466058
interest_expense -0.240467576 0.20263019
maintenance_janitorial -0.220926086 0.26295870
accounting_fees 0.065488670 0.06999316
Scatterplot for all observations based on PCA1 and PCA2.
K-means clustering
Try K to be 4 and 5. Compute the centroid of target variable based on four clusters. Three outliers identified by PCA appear again.
cluster revenue
1 1 31478.000
2 2 2223.322
3 3 7493.975
4 4 611.250
Plot K clusters along with PCA.
Hierarchical clustering
Random forest
Decision tree is not powerful enough to identify those important variables. Thus, random forest is used.
Feature importantance based on rmse.
Interaction effect among predictors.